Updates to Italy’s Invoice Data Reporting

After receiving the green light from the European Commission, Italy will soon permit the use of software solutions for the electronic storage and transmission of daily receipts data (corrispettivi giornalieri), as an alternative to traditional telematic registers.
The Italian Revenue Agency is expected to adopt the final regulations and technical specifications shortly.
In July 2024, the Italian Revenue Agency issued draft implementing regulations and technical specifications, under Article n. 24 of legislative decree n. 1/2024, authorizing the use of software solutions for the electronic storage and transmission of daily receipts data.
The draft document was subject to the Technical Regulations Information System (TRIS) notification procedure under Directive (EU) 2015/1535. Following the end of the 'standstill period' on November 4, 2024, the Revenue Agency is expected to adopt the document and issue further clarifications.
The draft rules stipulate that software solutions are subject to approval by the Revenue Agency, upon a formal request by the software producer. This change from hardware to software-based sales submissions means digital businesses can be enabled to have a fully digital and automated billing process without the need for physical or manual processes.